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Thank You for choosing FinalBoOT Technologies

Our Mission

FBT is dedicated to being a leader in Home or Business PC and Networking Solutions. We have Certified PC and Network Administrators.

Company Profile

FinalBoOT Technologies was founded in 1990 by Mr. Stanley D. Reed

We started in a apartment in Chino California repairing 8088, 286 and 386 Personal Computers. Today, we repair or upgrade a large area of Personal Computers and Network Components. 

We can also put you and your Business on the World Wide Web (www.YourCompany.com)  Our prices are very affordable, Our work is of the highest quality.  

Contact Information

Not Available At This Time
Postal address
45857 Darcy Lane Lexington Park, Maryland 20653
Electronic mail:
General Information: Stan_Reed@FinalBoOTTechnologies.com

Customer Support: Tech1@FinalBoOTTechnologies.com

Webmaster: Webmaster@FinalBoOTTechnologies.com


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Copyright © 2020 FinalBoOT Technologies
Last modified: May 09, 2022